sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2009

Tribute to all Peace Heroes!Homenagem a Todos Musicos que com suas musicas e dança estimularam a paz e a união das pessoas por muito tempo...

Due to numerous request, we have choreographed "Soulja Boy" for you... Soulja "Do the Hustle" (The Dance) This is a tribute to all Prison facilities in the Philippines (8 and counting) who are now adopting this non-violent approach to rehabilitation! Thank you, inmates deserve a second chance! If we ma.. "Jump" A MASSIVE amount of inmates do the Soulja Boy and Can't Touch This! Talk about pretty awesome! :p Thanks For Watching! Remember to subscribe to get more cool videos like this as soon as they are... Prison Inmates Soulja Boy & Can't Touch This CPDRC Inmates doing the Sister Act I will follow him - Sister Act Rico mambo" 2

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